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Carbon Positive Hangtag garantisce lo status Carbon Positive (o Climate Positive) di Bulgarelli Production produttrice di cartellini che hanno un bilancio ambientale positivo.
Le emissioni di CO2 e gas GHG prodotte dall’organizzazione e la sua catena di fornitura sono completamente superate dalle opere di riforestazione e servizi ecosistemici promossi da Bulgarelli Production.”

Carbon Positive (Climate Positive)



CO2 emissions reduction:

Solar power system that makes 95% of energy used by the company renewable
– Production hall in “B” energy efficiency class
– Production waste recycle (90 tons per year)
FSC© certified paper usage (98% of total)
Hybrid company trucks
– Plastic goods conversion into bioplastic
– Company equipped with water coolers and plastic free sodas
– Company open all day long to reduce workers transfer


Carbon Positive (Climate Positive)



Carbon Positive (Climate Positive)

Carbon Rating


We are carbon positive because we absorb a CO2 quantity larger than the one we produce, and we achieve that by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting environmental projects that involve reforestation.

789 Tons of CO² absorbed

Area of intervention_Enego

Area of intervention_Rincine (Toscana)

Area of intervention_Val di Fiemme

Bosco Biodiversità Bologna



We chose to act as fairly as we could: we started reducing water and energy waste, lowering CO2 emissions, using less and less raw materials and semi-finished products.
We reduced the total amount of waste as we welcomed recycling and the disposal of finished products and packagings, all while contributing to the environmental fairness of our clients.

Climate Goals


We face and we fight climate change daily as well as pollution, overexploitation of resources and social injustice: we don’t only obey the rules and regulations, we strive to make the world a better place.



We believe the commitment to build a better future for us and for future generations falls back on the community and on the industry, but in fact it’s a challenge that every one of us faces as an individual and we personally face as a company, and that’s why we have to do something – from
small gestures to huge plans, everything counts – every day, to make our growth sustainable.



We balance our direct and indirect CO2 emissions by sustaining and funding reforestation efforts in Bosco delle biodiversità in Bologna and other forests such as Foresta dei Violini in Val di Fiemme; these enterprises are promoted respectively by onlus Phoresta and by Univerity of Padua’s spin-off Etifor.

Icone albero

90 tons of CO2 caught in Bosco della biodiversità in Bologna. (Phoresta Onlus)

52,82 tons of CO2 caught in Enego, Bosco Tombal. (Etifor)

600 tons of CO2 caught in Bosco di Rincine, Unione comuni Valdarno e Val di Sieve. (Etifor)

3,24 tons of CO2 caught in Bosco di Solaiolo Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme. (Etifor)

90 tons of CO2 captured in the Monterano Reserve - Rome 300 tons of CO2 captured in the Oglio Sud Park - Lombardy

90 tons of CO2 captured in the Monterano Reserve - Rome

300 tons of CO2 captured in the Oglio Sud Park - Lombardy